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What is website maintenance?

It is the process of keeping your website up-to-date and performing optimally.
Website maintenance involves a number of different aspects of a website. Examples of this can be:
    -Hosting:  so that it can be online.
    - Content updates: update your content when necessary so nothing goes out-of-date and gets irrelevant.
    - Software updates: so that everything runs smoothly and there are no bugs.
    - Running security scans:  keeps everything secure. I get alerted as soon as something is wrong.
    - Daily backups: so nothing gets lost :)
    - Website recovery: so nothing gets lost :)
    - Bug fixes: to ensure a pleasant, smooth user experience.
    - Small redesigns: to make sure your design is modern and how you would like it.
    - Checking load speed: Daily scans checking the PageSpeed and YSlow grade of your website so you can record how well your website is performing throughout the month.
More advanced maintenance can involve:
    - Analysing user behaviour: track statistics like user engagement and bounce rate on specific pages to optimise your website for your target audience
    - Monitoring analytics: track statistics like the amount of new or active users, session duration or with what type of device they browsed your website on.
    - Monthly reports: so you can see and understand what’s going on with your website.
    - SEO strategies: to make sure you get noticed.
    - Checking for broken links: links that go nowhere aren’t good for user experience.
    - Managing keywords: track how well your website ranks when certain keywords are put into a search engine like Google.
    - Targeted content updates: to optimise for your target audience and search engines.
Simply put, it is just making sure your website is online, healthy and running smoothly.